Mister D: I had the pleasure of corresponding with Ms. Elinor Lipman today. What a nice lady! Anyway, I was curious about Diane Keaton’s casting. My gut instinct was that she was originally cast as Helen Hunt’s mother in the movie.
However, Ms. Lipman confirmed that this was old casting news, therefore Ms Midler is in as the mother and Ms. Keaton is out. She never signed to play the part.
Ms. Lipman stated that she is “completely thrilled that Bette will be playing Bernice, as is every living human being I tell, whether they’ve read the book or not.”
I would just like to encourage all fans of Bette Midler and the readers of Bootleg Betty to read the book before the movie comes out. It’s a great read and we all know how Ms. Midler feels about reading….
I’d like to thank Ms. Lipman for even taking time with me. Hopefully she’ll be a great resource for all of us during the making of this film.
Love, Mister D