Indiana Gazette
Liz Smith
July 3, 1993
Endquotes: Leave it to Rex Reed, star-profiler deluxe, to get the right stuff from the Divine One Herself – Betto Midler.
Rex interviewed Bette on the set of her coming Disney film, “Hocus Focus,” for Premiere magazine.
On the failure of “For the Boys“: “I killed myself making a picture for a grown-up audience, only to discover the grown-ups for whom it was made don’t go to movies anymore. We devised a brilliant marketing campaign for Fox, and Barry Diller rejected it, so nobody knew how to sell or promote It….I gave them my heart, my soul and my guts, and they didn’t want it. Now, I’m going to give them what they want.” (“Hocus Pocus,” presumably.)
On the biz: “The movie business sucks, because most of the pictures are made by young, callow men with no life experience and no point of view ….Listen, honey, in 10 years people may look back on Arnold Schwarzenegger
movies and say, “They don’t make ’em like that anymore!'”