A Correction from Mister V…

Mister Vilanch wrote to inform me of some inaccuracies concerning the pic of Bette and Mr. D…Dylan, that is:-) Here goes:

<<<for the record, bette never had a chelsea loft. at the time, she was living in an apartment in greenwich village. she did have a loft many years later, but it was in tribeca. maybe dylan had a chelsea loft. or maybe somebody named chelsea had one. photographers often have a hard time reading their notes. my guess is the picture was taken at the recording session for buckets of rain, which may have been in someone’s private studio in a chelsea loft, or may have been at atlantic’s recording studio. yours for accuracy in media 🙂 >>>

Thanks must be given to Mr. Vilanch for caring enough to take the time to “share” with us the facts…see “sharing” ain’t so bad after all….anyway…I thought that was very kind of him to write…Lord knows he has better things to do…:-)

Love, Mister D

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