“Bette” Series Being Shown On HDNET TV in High Definition


HDNET TV is showing the Bette! TV series….they are the little channel that shows everything in high quality, high definition. For those of you that have this, you’re in for quite a treat as far as appearance and sound….it’s all top of the line. It airs on Tuesday nights and then repeats are shown at various times during the week. Supposedly you can’t videotape this channel unless you have the right equipment (not that kind, mind you!) This Tuesday they are showing the Oprah Book Club episode….

Love, Mister D

P.S. Of course, Mister V had his say about it, but I shall leave those comments to his own site later tonight…

I’m beginning to lose some weight while sitting here, so that means I must go EAT NOW!!!!!….Pardone Moi!!!!

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