KMB Review: The Redoubtable Miss Jane

WOWSERS!!!! That says it all. Whatever else anyone has to say about the
kiss My Brass Tour it’s all true. Were there mistakes? Who the hell cares? Was
it sublime? Absolutely! Am I still flying? You Bette!!!

From the opening roar to the closing calls for more, this was a night to laugh and sing and cry and just have a great time with Bette. She sang what she has been singing on the tour. The jokes were some for us at the Shark Tank ( particularly appropriate during the FishTails) and surrounding environs and the rest were the ones you have all read about or heard before. The acoustics at the Tank are lousy ( as I said when the tour was announced) but Bette’s sound folks did marvelous things with it. She was in fine form and the audience was full of crazed fans like me.

Miss V got to attend her very first live concert ever and was in tears by the time the curtain rang down at the end of The Rose. Bette’s voice may have been giving out a bit at the end of the concert and she invited us to join her in singing The Rose. The audience got most of the words and were almost on tune…touched her deeply.

This is a must see and if you get the chance do it more than once….

The Redoubtable Miss Jane

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