Updates Coming Soon…

Sorry for the delay, but new music and new polls coming within a day or two, plus I’ll be featuring…

International Release Dates for “The Stepford Wives”

This comes from the IMDB.com database. It’s not always accurate, but it gives you something to work with or check…

Ebert and Roeper Review Stepford Wives 6-13-04

At least that’s when they review it in my area…ABC…6:30 AM Central Time…show nay be syndicated… Love, Mister D

UpDate: Bette on the Boards

Mister D: Darrell has put up a new song of the week that all BetteHeads should check out. I was…

This From The Divine Miss P (Bette in TV Land)

Mister D: This is straight from Miss P’s keyboard to mine. I still have no email…outgoing or incoming….so nobody write…

A&E to Premiere “Biography”s on Midler, Minnelli and Cher in June

A&E to Premiere “Biography”s on Midler, Minnelli and Cher in June Playbill.com By Andrew Gans June 1, 2004 Photo: Aubrey…

The Bar Is Set And It’s High For Pink and Zellweger

Shades of Pink, ‘Rose’ and blues Liz Smith June 1, 2004 ‘Onstage, I make love to 25,000 people, and then…

Bette To Close The Kerry Fundraiser In New York

Cindy Adams NYP.com 06-01-04 “Wyclef Jean opens, Bette closes and she’ll also do a ‘Do-Run-Run’ duet with Darlene Love. We’re…