International Bette Day Pics

I put some pics people sent in for International Bette Day into the Scrapbook for Betteheads. For the link: Click…

Thoughts and Stuff Like That There

Check out the new animation surrounding The Stepford Wives hoopla…included are pics leading up to the premiere, the premiere, the…

Box Office: “Stepford” beats Paramount’s Expectations

From Variety Magazine Photo Scan: The Divine Dutchie Sara (Paramount) 1) WEEKEND BOX OFFICE ESTIMATE June 11 – 13, 2004…

Richard Jay-Alexander (Bette’s “Kiss My Brass” Director) Brings “A Safe Harbor for Elizabeth Bishop” To The Stage

Sunday, June 13, 2004 Irving opens strong lineup First Mainstage play of season features poet’s story of Brazilian romance By…