Bette To Be On ‘Early Show’ Wednesday, June 16th

Bette Midler’s Funny Tales NEW YORK, June 16, 2004 (CBS) If national treasure was listed in the dictionary, Bette Midler’s…

Bette Will Not Be Performing At The Rescheduled Kerry Benefit!

For those that were going to the Kerry concert because of Bette…I just got confirmation that neither Bette nor Bette…

Chaz From The Uk Alerted Me To This On-line Video

This streaming video covers a little of the premiere, behind the scene, comments, and a review….the reviewer, I have to…

Time Magazine’s Richard Corliss Weighs In On The Stepford Wives

In the case of Buzz v. Stepford, yes, the movie is a little messy. But that’s forgivable, since it has…

An Interview With Writer Paul Rudnick (The Stepford Wives)

The man behind the robots: The Stepford Wives screenwriter Paul Rudnick talks with the Seattle Gay News about the new…

Bette Would Be Proud: She Makes this Conservative Media Watch Group

Media Research Center Cyber Alert Tracking Liberal Media Since 1996 Mister D: Bette Midler Disses George W. Bush, Rowe Praises…

Second Thoughts and Corrections

Mister D: After posting that article from USA Today where it states that Tim Allen and Bette Midler were set…

50 + Magazine: teaching old dogs new tricks (Thanks Cris…LOL)

Online magazine article on sex after 50 reccommends teaching old dogs new tricks. 50plus Online Magazine ( attracts intelligent boomers,…

BoatHouse Betty Hits Rough Waters on Way To New York City

The Stamford Advocate Boathouse hits rough waters on its way to NYC By John Nickerson Staff Writer June 15, 2004…