Mister D: Hey BetteHeads! I’m happy to bring you guys and gals some news from Terri at Experience The Divine. She’s been working really hard for months to redesign her site to…well, in the spirit of sisterhood (yes…Mister D can be a sister, too!!!) …I’ll just let Terri do the speaking:
I would like to announce that experiencethedivine.com will be re-opening on September 30, 2004, just in time for the opening of Kiss My Brass! Although the site never “closed,” it has been completely re-designed and re-structured to allow for quicker and easier updates, (and more of them!), and for more great features for you, the fans! Be sure to visit http://www.experiencethedivine.com soon for more details and to see what’s in store!
Hey it’s Mister D again: Terri showed me a peek today and I think we are all in for a great experience, so head on over and check it out!