Mister D: I was sent this link by the curator of Mr. Peskett’s work that was used by Ms. M for her lastest extravaganza. There are some great close-up shots of his work:
A cool collection of Bette Midler art work as executed by Prairie Prince and Stan Peskett for her 2003 tour, the ’40s-style boardwalk scene can be seen in graphic detail.
“Cotten’s busy Las Vegas schedule did not allow him to join Prairie Prince in the actual painting of the sets in San Francisco, so Prince and longtime associate Stan Peskett did the brush and pail work. Among their work is a 60- by-30-foot stage curtain of a ’40s-style boardwalk scene, featuring about 30 figures, each 12 feet tall. Midler approved every step of the work. “
Check This Out: