Calling All The Troops – We Need You All – Vote For The “Bette” DVD Series

We are in a dead heat race against the Cupid DVD series. There are fans of that (what is it?) who say that the Bette DVD series release will never see the light of day in this poll. We can not lose to a poofter with an arrow. Put this cherub to sleep until Valentine’s Day. We don’t have much time. I think the deadline is the 24th or 29th. It could be the voices in my head, I don’t know.

You can get 2 votes in by clicking both links that are on my page at top in the red box. The second link is the easiest, but the first link, please read what to do. You can also vote multiple times by closing down your browser and voting each time you open it back up.

There are a bunch of us that have been voting and voting and we keep going from number one to number two. But if we all band together we can really put this little feud to rest. I have gone as far as prostituting myself, but unfortunately there were no takers….whatever!!! But even non-fans are helping.

See you at the polls!

Love, Mister D

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