Mister D: I just wanted to send out a special “Happy Birthday” to Katrin – a beautiful young lady who hails all the way from Germany. And even from a distance, she has become a true friend to me and a great support. She’s young and vibrant, not to mention smart and talented.
Photo Card: Miss M Productions
Ms. Katrin – you have a long, long life ahead of you. You’ll understand that later on as you mature. Just follow your heart and your passion and you will be just fine. Along the way, sometimes our interests and passions change. Don’t ever think you are “boxed in.” I’m not trying to blow smoke up your ass, either. It just comes from observing my experiences and others. The possibilities are limitless at almost any age. Here I am at 51 following a whole different path, and it’s exciting. Okay I sound a little preachy. But I felt all my life that I was too old for this or not good enough for this, but I did notice that whatever I put my mind to, I usually got what I wished for. My mistake: Not having a plan once I grabbed my dream. That’s important…LOL
Also, congrats on your Diploma Certificate and following your dreams to go to college. Not to get too personal, but I admire you and you should be thrilled that you persevered against some odds not really in your favor. So Bravo to you…it’s what you wanted and you did it.
Okay, now get up off your butt and get to work! 🙂
Hope I didn’t embarrass you! Not intended!
Happy Birthday!!!
Love, Mister D