A Very Hot, Happy Birthday To My Little Brazilian Firecracker, Cris!

Happy Birthday Cris!!!

Photo: Miss M Productions

All you BetteHeads give a big collective mind-blowing Happy Birthday to my long distance love, Cris. Many of you know her…she’s been around since the internet connected with the electrifying Miss M. We’ve been friends ever since. If I’m not mistaken, she is probably the only on-line friend that has stuck with me from the beginning. But I guess I have plenty of time to scare her off…so I better be on my best behaviour because that would just kill me…or I would have to KILL MYSELF…LOL That’s always been our little inside joke. WELL…it’s funny to us!!! And that’s all that matters…at least for today. It’s Miss Cris’s day.

Anyway, Miss Cris, I just wrote you the most rambling, mostly non-sensical email, so I’m going to cut this short… I just want to tell you that I love you so much – I appreciate your friendship more than you ever could understand. I know we have talked by phone a couple of times and it was so nice to hear your voice…I think one day we will meet…probably because you will have to come take care of me during my old age…:-) But I’m easy to live with…as long as I get my way!!! It could be that we will be destined to see The Divine Miss M in Vegas. You never know. Stranger things have happened. Think it. Believe it. The mind can be a powerful thing. And no, people, I’m not talking about that trivial piece of shit called “The Secret.” Much different than that. (Cris, that little outburst was for you on your birthday!)

As you know I wish you love, happiness, prosperity, peace, and a good drunken time with your hot boyfriend on this fabulous day. I love you.

Happy Birthday!

Love, Don

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