Then She Found Me Finally Hits Nashville…

Last night I took Barry to see Then She Found Me. This was his first time to see it and my second. I don’t have much to say except I have never seen so many girls dressed up in their sluttiest gear for the Sex And The City premiere. I LOVED IT!!! And I loved seeing some of the straight men with them so self conscious and miserable. Actually, my true self felt sorry that they were forced to go, but then I thought of how many times they probably drug their girlfriends to war movies and futuristic westerns, then I went back to happy. Also, it looks like the Nashville gays stayed in the closet. Or maybe perhaps they were ogling Ashton Kutcher in his new movie. That’s my next stop…:-)

Important: They showed THE WOMEN trailer at THEN SHE FOUND ME. It seemed like it was going to be funny in a Sex and The City vein. Bette must have a small, small part…you only see her for a nanosecond and it’s basically a live picture of that photo we’ve already seen. But it looks like a movie I would go to see with or without her…

Well, the second time around, I loved the movie even more. The local rag loved it. I’m happy to say that Barry loved it, too. So did the half full theater where we watched it. The audience skewed more towards a mature audience although there were some pretty young girls in there. The bottom line is they enjoyed it…I gathered this information just listenening to people as they left the theater. It seems the key to this movie sticking around thru the summer blockbuster season will be word of mouth. It will definitely make its money back with a fat profit when it’s released on DVD in September. Just in time for Oscar bait…and yes, I expect to see Bette nominated for some ceremony….almost for sure at the Golden Globes….look for the others as well. I finally did fall in love with Colin Firth. I finally see the light. I will be going again which I rarely do. Now if I could only find a cocktail dress and some heels for my SATC adventure….

Much Love, Mister D

Video: Thanks to Karen

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4 thoughts on “Then She Found Me Finally Hits Nashville…

  1. Mr D,

    I can only listen to the film, Going to watch SATC again tomo for my bday.
    p.s people drug people to get them to movies? And you want to wear hills? Get some rest hun! lol

  2. Jamie I forgot to look. Going to see it again by myself and I promise I’m going to see what you are talking about….or else you’re crazy????? 🙂

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