Stuff Like That There! (10-7-08)

Celebrate National Coming Out Day The Pink Paper (UK) Interview With Bette Bootleg Betty Turns 6 – aww she’s a…

Say It ‘Loud and Proud’ on National Coming Out Day

Press Release Source: SpinVox Say It ‘Loud and Proud’ on National Coming Out Day with SpinVox Tuesday October 7, 2:05…

“Pink Paper” Interview (UK)

Bette Midler is in the loo. This wasn’t quite how I imagined an interview with the living legend that is…

Bette Denies, Once Again, The Janis Joplin-Rose Connection…

Mister D: After 38 years or more, you’d think people would get the message. Oh…I forget, we don’t read (except…

Has Bette Been Readin’ My Mail?

Mister D: I had this exact same conversation where I told my mother the same thing….poor repuglican 🙂 So I…