What Bette Midler song or album takes you back to a time when it really helped you get through something important – empowered you? The issue can be anything, as long as the song/album got you through it.
I’m not printing it yet, but mine would be an album – Bette Midler -details will come later. You can be as brief or detailed as you want.
wow, I think this is one of the hottest pictures I’ve evah seen from our divine miss m…
Some People’s Lives-Every time i hear it i’m taken back to summer 1990-
Hearing night and day, moved me so much
May I ask what sort of things were going thru your head at that time….summer love, beach parties, bible school…:-)
duh, I was so fascinated by the picture that I forgot to read…
does a show count as an answer, too?
I was left home alone a lot when I was younger cuz my parents had to work, so I spent most of the time sitting in front of the tv watching my divine madness VHS tape. I cried with the rose, I boogied with the bugle boy and I was caught by stay with me. I even laughed with the soph jokes though I didn’t understand a single word.
I still have that tape but the picture turnt fuzzy over the years.
That’s absolutely fine….
The one album that really helped me through a lot is Bette Of Roses, that album has the most moving songs she’s ever done! In This Life, Bottomless, To Comfort You and the two songs that always bring tears to my eyes; As Dreams Go By and It’s Too Late. This is and will always be my alltime favorite album by The Divine Miss M.
Don, my dear friend, it’s been a while but Bootleg Betty will always been with me…always so Divine, and I am loving Miss M more then ever, Happy 6th Anniversary, may Botleg Betty boom forever, best wishes & love Sammy.
Thank you Sammy: I was wondering what happened to you. I miss you and would love to touch base sometimes.
Much love to you and thank you so much for the great artwork over all those years….
Love, Don
LOL! I`ve been listening to Bonnie Raitt`s Luck of the Draw for the past few days non-stop and you this the title of her song. Great minds think alike.
Number two: Katrin is right, this is one of the hottest pics I`ve seen of Bette!
Number three: The answer to your question for me is “Bette”. I got that cd the dat my father past away and I only got the chance to listen to it two days later, when I could finally sleep. It has “God Give me Strength” and you know the story I like to believe about it. LOL! Anyways, lots of very deep and related feelings towards that cd,which is not the usual pick for Bette fans, you know. But then, I`m not the usual Bette fan, you understand…:-P
I meant, “you post this which has the same title of her song”…I`ve been writing for days (while listening to Bonnie!:-P), so forgive me. Yes, it has to do with the fact that Bette “reminded me” (with her radio interview) of the cds I wanted to buy and, guess what? Arnie had it right here, with the Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits cds. Ain`t I lucky?
I`m so sleepy, but I can`t sleep! 
I knew what you meant and that’s exactly where I got the title. Cris, you know very well a Bette fan has eclectic taste in music, so it’s okay to listen to other artists…
Without Guilt!!