Mister D: We finally got the interpretation and I think my friend Becky might scream when she reads the review…very good, indeed.
Zeven songs en een bonus track op één EP; meer heeft Rebecca Hosking niet nodig om ons er grondig van te overtuigen dat zij meer is dan de zoveelste veelbelovende singer-songwriter. Beter één steengoede EP maken dan een halfbakken full-cd, moet Hosking gedacht hebben en gelijk heeft ze want dit plaatje verveelt werkelijk geen seconde. De zangeres woont en werkt in Nashville, Tennessee en lijkt in deze stad vooral de goede dingen opgepikt te hebben (wat op zich al een verdienste is). Haar muziek valt misschien het best te omschrijven als country/Americana met een lekkere upbeat, die je als het ware meezuigt door de onweerstaanbare meezingrefreinen die erop staan . Qua thematiek dekt de titel van deze EP min of meer de lading, al worden de soms pijnlijke (liefdes)ervaringen toch wat verzacht door de zomerzoete melodieën en dit zonder dat het ook maar één moment melig wordt. Het blijft genieten, 24 minuten lang. Zo komt de would-be radiohit ”˜Roll Over’ heerlijk binnenwaaien als een briesje op een veel te warme zomerdag. Gitaar, banjo en de heerlijke vocalen van Rebecca, met backings van één van haar muzikanten zijn voldoende om van de countrygetinte titelsong en van ”˜Last Chance Café’ bescheiden, maar o zo mooie luisterpareltjes te maken. En dan hebben we nog niets gezegd over de meeslepende pracht van ”˜Robert Would Say’ (over de Amerikaanse dichter Robert Frost) waar we maar geen genoeg van krijgen of van het knappe akoestische gitaar- en dobroduel ”˜Love Is Blind’. Op de zeer mooie bonustrack ”˜ Lost Is Found’ haalt Rebecca Hosking zowat het niveau van één van haar grote voorbeelden: Emmylou Harris. Samengevat : ”˜Love And Other Disasters’ is een eerlijke, hartverwarmende plaat van een artieste waar we in de nabije toekomst nog veel van hopen te horen. Shake
I think it’s dutch, ask sara or any other divine dutchie. there are some german-like words in it so I can guess what it’s about but I don’t understand enough to interpret it…
Here ya go!
Seven songs and a bonus track on an EP, Rebecca Hosking has no need for us to thoroughly convinced that it is more than just another promising singer-songwriter. Better a good rock EP than half bins full CD, Hosking must have thought and they are right because this picture is truly boring second. The singer lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee and appears in this city for the good things have picked up (which in itself is a virtue). Her music is perhaps best described as country / Americana with a nice upbeat, as it were, you meezuigt by the irresistible sing along choruses that are. In terms of theme covers the title of this EP more or less the charge, though sometimes painful (love) experience what mitigated by the sweet melodies and this summer without having even a moment is tiresome. It continues to enjoy 24 minutes long.
Thus, the would-be radiohit ‘Roll Over’ great blow in a breeze on a warm summer day. Guitar, banjo and lovely vocals of Rebecca, with backing of one of its musicians are sufficient to make the country tinged title track and “Last Chance Cafe” modest, but oh so beautiful to listen gems. And then we have nothing to say about the compelling beauty of Robert Would Say “(about the American poet Robert Frost) where we do not get enough of the great acoustic guitar and dobro duel ‘Love Is Blind.” At the very nice bonus track ‘Lost Is Found’ picks Rebecca Hosking about the level of one of its major examples: Emmylou Harris. In summary: “Love And Other Disasters” is an honest, heart-warming plate of an artist that we in the near future, many hoping to hear. Shake
Sorry, it’s not great but I tried!
I’ll do it as soon as I am up, it is indeed in Dutch. It is very positive though :). Give me a couple of hours and I’ll have it for you 😉
Seven songs and one bonus track on one EP; Rebecca Hosking doesn’t need more to convince us thouroughly that she is more than just another promissing singer-songwriter. Hosking probably thought that it was better to make one very good EP than a half-good full-cd, and she was right, because this record doesn’t bore you for one second. The singer lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee, and seems to have picked up mostly the good things in this town (which is a feat in and of itself). Her music can probably best be descrived as country/Americana with a nice upbeat, that sucks you into irresistable sing-a-long refrains. With regards to the theme, the title of the EP covers it, even though the sometimes painful (love) experiences are covered up with summer sweet melodies, without ever being corny. It is pure enjoyment, for all 24 minutes. The would-be radio hit “Roll Over” blows in like a cooling wind on a much to hot summers day. Guitar, banjo and the lovely vocals of Rebecca, with backings from one of her musicians, are enough to make the countrylike titelsong and “Last Chance Café” modest, but oh so very beautiful listening pearls. And we haven’t even discussed the compelling beauty of “Robert would say” (about the American poet Robert Frost) of which we cannot get enough, or the brilliant accoustic guitar and dobroduel “Love is blind”. On the very beautiful bonus track “Lost is Found” Rebecca Hosking nearly reaches the level of one of her major examples: Emmyloy Harris. Summarized: “Love and other disasters” is a wonderful, heartwarming record by an artist of which we will hopefully hear a lot in the near future.
Lisa tanks so much. At least we know it’s a good review, Thanks for being such a trooper…. Love. Don
Thanks so much Sara. Hoped you would pop in cause I didn;t want to bother you and make you do it…..LOL
Good work Sara, i must say funny to read dutch.
Love Linda
Dear Sara,
I just wanted to thank you for your time you put into doing that for me the translation for me. I do appreciate it! It was nice to hear as well!
Paz y amor siempre! That’s spanish…hehehe! translated peace and love!