Pride In The Name of Love.

VIII Gay Pride in São Paulo, Brazil
Image via Wikipedia

Subject: Pride In The Name of Love.

Dear Friends,

We are facing some serious battles ahead. The worst is not over. We’ve had some incredible strides in the past few months, but our equality, our true equality is a long way away.

I’m writing today to urge you to put away the hot pants this Pride season. I’m writing to ask you to remember why we celebrate this month. The “Pride Parades” that happen all over this Nation and around the world were never intended to be parades. This all started as a march, a rally, a protest. It’s about time we remember and pick up the torch that has been handed to us by the previous generations of LGBT individuals.

We have been promised things by Presidents today and yesterday and those promises were broken, our rights stolen away by backroom deals in the name of political expediency. It’s happening constantly and if you think sitting around and waiting for the ten people sitting in an HRC phone bank making calls on your behalf can do it alone, you are mistaken.

This is a fight which requires ALL our voices, ALL our fists in the air, ALL our hearts, minds and bodies standing up for what is rightfully ours.

Quote Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy or Barack Obama all you want. At the end of the day, no matter who said what, WE ARE EQUAL AND MUST BE TREATED AS SUCH.

I beg of you. Not for yourself, but for the generations of young LGBT individuals NEEDING to live in a free world where they will not want for equality, where they will know that a family is a family is a family, where their children will not grow up in fear, STAND UP. Put yourself aside for a moment and understand the importance of this for the future of our society as a whole.

The responsibility lies with US. This year, go to your local Pride March, and March. Hold a sign. Scream for Equality. Remember what we are celebrating and realize that this fight is far from over.

For those of you in the New York area, I am working with Broadway Impact to organize a crew of marchers for the NY Pride March. Please drop an email if you can come to Invite all your friends and we can make a difference.

In the meantime, call your Senators, your Representatives, locally and Nationally. Call the White House and demand that Obama keep his word and fight for the full repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The Department of Justice is currently coming to the defense of DOMA with Obama’s blessing ”“ going directly against Obama’s campaign promises. Stand up and tell him this is unacceptable. We want the “Fierce Advocate” he promised to be when we voted him into office.

Write or call today!

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111

In Solidarity,


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