Mister D: Okay, BetteHeads, I know how everyone wants to get to Vegas, but I don’t want any of this jealousy bullshit going on here. Molly has found a way to try and win a $1000.00 her way to get to Vegas to see Bette, so I’m asking politely for you to rate her video as she asks to help her win the money. She’ll tell you how to do it….I’d like to ask you as a community of BetteHeads to help her:
“Hey guys! My name is Molly and i’m entered into this accapella youtube contest for Sweet Adeline’s International! The winner for this contest is chosen by whoever has the most and highest ratings by and ON September 8th! Yes, you can even rate it the morning of! (So those of you who procrastinate like me? This is the job for you! lol) ALLL I want you guys to do is RATE the video! The winner of this contest gets $1,000!! Which is going towards my attempt to get the “Smug Mutha” pakcage for Bette’s Vegas show! I really want to do this for me, lol, but also for my amazing mother! This would be such an amazing present for her for all the things she’s done for me! And especially if I can pay for it?? It’s already amazing right there! I’ve been a Bette fan since I was 3 and as you all know, we share the common dream of meeting her one day. Well, my day is coming if I can get the money and I need your help!! So please, ALL I need you to do is RATE the video! You can do it more than once a day, you just have to space it out. Like rate it once, come back 2 hours later and rate again. Well, thank you so much for anything you all can do for me! It’s is greatly appreciated!
Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-KbmBipFUI
All you do is click on the stars to rate people, but you must be logged in….
Voted! Good luck!
Thank you Chaz! xx
Molly: you can count on my multiple votes!! Good Luck!!
molly, I voted, faved and sent the video around. I told you before and I’ll tell you again, your voice is fabulous and you did a great job with the video. I hope you’ll get major votes and win the competition!
Hey everyone just for the record I am taking donations for the “cloth and feed Danielle fund” since I am now broke from buying the sumg package. lol jkjk I already voted for Molly and I hope she wins and I hope she sees Bette August 19th so we can see her together. lol
OMG! Thanks SOOOOOOO much you guys! I’m up to 38 ratings! The other broadway girl is up too 42 and the other opera/jazz girl is like 43. So i might ACTUALLY have a shot at this. I’m super stoked!!! ALLLLLLL Thanks to you guys! If by some miracle this works, and i am able to raise the money to do this….i have an idea much like, i think chloe had on facebook. Where i make some sort of scrapbook thing for Bette and have you all say something. Then give it to her. ONLY if this actually happens…there you go! Incentive!! KEEP RATING!!
i voted good luck molly… ill get all my pals in australia to vote 2…
bryce x
OK, so you guys…ARE AMAZING! I just checked….53 RATES!!! I’m in the lead of all seven responses so far!!! PLEEAAAASSSEE keep it up!!! Thanks sooooo much! You guys are awesome!
K I’m in and counted for. Good luck Molly!
HEY GUYS! I’m up to 70 ratings!!! OMG! I love you all sooooo much!! Thanks! Keep the love coming. lol