Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – Turn And Face The Strange!

Mister D:

I guess some of you have noticed there are some changes going on with BLB and you would be correct. They are not major, but definitely worth mentioning since there will be experimentation taking place.

The right hand bar will be going through some this and that kind of experiment to see what works and what doesn’t. It might help if we get some feedback when you see something different. I’m not patient and if I don’t like something and I don’t hear anything about it then I’m likely to rip it down awfully fast. I know I want a comments section and I want the little chat section to stay. However, I’m not pleased with the comments widget I have…I want to see the comments. Some of the other stuff may be coming down to be replaced with other things or experimented with, so just bear with me please and if you feel like it give constructive feedback. I don’t know if I can do what you want, but it won’t hurt to ask.

You’ll notice the events bar at the top is gone, and some headings are starting to take it’s place. I miss the events bar and not sure how to replace that, so we’ll see what happens there. I may have to make a page and then a heading for it to make it work.

Anyway, I just wanted to warn you. I know some people hate change, but change can be good and exciting. This place has been around for almost 10 years now and it needs a lift every now and then, so I hope this is a good thing. We aren’t going to make it too drastic and it should be easier for you to use in the long run.

Thank you!

Love, Mister D

PS: The musical guest for Hulaween has been almost confirned, but not quite yet, so nothing can be stated as of now. Also I should know something by the end of the week concerning the birthday fundraiser for NYRP.

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2 thoughts on “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – Turn And Face The Strange!

  1. OMG! An entire world of Mister D…….beyond speechless.

    I love the Bette Twitter Feed. I also like pretty much whatevere makes you happy cause after all —–it is ALL about you (and maybe Bette)

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