Dear fans and subscribers, Hate to jerk you around, but I’ve decided to explore a couple of options before I…
Day: October 22, 2010
Photo: Bette and The Hole In The Wall Campers
Other acts besides Miss Midler were Stevie Wonder, Meryl Streep, Rene Zelwegger, Bill Cosby, John Mellencamp, Emmylou Harris, and Keb…
A Wicked Witches Curse On Naughty BetteHeads (Okay I Made It Up!)
Mister D: It’s time to fork out for Bette’s Birthday Fundraiser and this year we Betteheads are being threatened! I…
What Does The Divine Martha Have In Mind For Bette’s Hulaween Costume?
This year it seems The Divine Miss M’s Hulaween outfit will be made by the Queen of DIY, Martha Stewart.…