If You Live Anywhere In The Whole Of Europe….this is the place to order your CD and/or DVD of Bette’s “The Divine Miss M – In Performance” (Art or Bust). BetteHead Josefin did some research and wrote the company and this was one of the webpages they gave her that was most comprehensive.
Here is the link for the CD: Click Here
For the DVD: Click Here
For the Americas….well, we’re on our own. Bette and company knew nothing about the release, so don’t look for it over here…once again we’ll have to order as an import. So be it….I think you’ll be able to get the import from Amazon UK and eventually from Amazon US….
For the Dutchies/Belgian fans, Bol.com has it for pre-order, € 9,99, € 1,95 shipping.
Thanks Sara!
Art or Bust is one of my favourite live performances of all time – not seen it for years, so I’m very excited about this. Makes January worth waiting for!