SUNDAY, MAY 8, 2011
Oprah’s Last Show: 14 Ways It Might End
Oprah Winfrey‘s producers say they won’t reveal the details of her very last show on May 25th. Here are 14 guesses for how that final episode will end:
1) Bette Midler sings “You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings” as Oprah bawls.
2) Oprah wakes up in her Chicago apartment next to Suzanne Pleshette, realizes that The Oprah Winfrey Show was all a crazy dream.
3) Prince William jumps up and down on Oprah’s couch, says he’s divorcing Kate to marry Pippa.
4) As fans chant “Santo Subito,” Pope Benedict XVI appears via satellite to announce that the normal five-year waiting period for beatification has been waived.
5) Entire studio audience gets a surprise trip to an abandoned Chevrolet plant in Skokie, where they use spare parts to build their own Camaros.
6) Oprah pinch-hits for the Cubs, points to the center field bleachers, then slugs a fastball out of Wrigley Field to win the game.
7) Oprah visits Billy Goat Tavern and defeats a Nepalese giant in a shot-for-shot drinking contest as the crowd bets furiously on the outcome.
8) Shocker: She’s running against Obama in 2012!
9) Entire studio audience is loaded onto a 737, then John Travolta and Capt. Chesley Sullenberger fly the plane to a thrill-ride landing on the Chicago River.
10) Oprah wheels out a wagon with the heads of the 67 other daytime talk show hosts she outlasted.
11) Dr. Phil is left deaf after heroically freeing staff interns during a bomb attack.
12) Oprah opens up a steamer trunk, applies clown makeup, and then dances with a broom before “sweeping up” a final spotlight.
13) Camera pulls back to reveal that the whole show was a fantasy in the mind of Dick Cavett as he stared into a snow globe.
…and finally, the most likely ending to The Oprah Winfrey Show:
14) Journey reunites to play “Don’t Stop Believin'” as Stedman Graham kneels and proposes to Oprah. Just as she opens her mouth to reply, the scene crash-cuts to black, followed by silent closing credits.

I really hoped Bette would be on Oprah’s show one last time before it was all over. They are taping 2 shows at the United Center in Chicago that air May 23 & 24 & all of the guests are a surprise to Oprah. I hope Bette is one of them.