Bette Midler – Mary (Live Divine Miss Millenium)

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6 thoughts on “Bette Midler – Mary (Live Divine Miss Millenium)

  1. This could very well be the best song that Bette never recorded……and this performance of it is the best I’ve heard. What a treat! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Never thought I’d see this again because it the holiday season of 1999, still a few years before everyone had cellphones, let alone more sophisticated digital equipment. It’s amazing how clear and crisp-sounding this is. There had been for a few years now on YouTube an audio file of it, but of very poor quality.

    I’d be fascinated to learn how this one was recorded. It sounds like they had the good sense to record the audio on an external device that was different than the camcorder they used to record this.

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