Don’t Shoot The Messenger – Official News

Bootleg Betty
Official News From Bette Midler Headquarters
By Mister D
August 20, 2023

Don't Shoot The Messenge
#Don’t Shoot The Messenger

Bette Midler Never Asked To Perform At King’s Coronation – Good luck Katy Perry!

Remember, Don’t shoot the messenger. As far as Bette Midler, performing at the coronation was always a big fat no. SUPPOSEDLY the Daily Mail is trash (not my words) on stuff like this, but they’re good for a premiere or two. But the coronation was never meant to be, She was never even asked, I have bitched about this over and over again and it’s happened to MS. MIDLER OVER and Over again, just lies, lies, lies, One never knows for sure something is really happening unless you hear it officially and then, even then, something could get in the way of a project done, There seems to be all kinds of reasons, Some I understand, Others border on just lying.

Sitting in Bars with Cakes has finished filming – Air Date Will Be Announced

This will appear on Amazon Prime. I’m just guessing this is going to be a fall movie, And I;ve gotten the feeling Bette’s part will be a supporting role, because it center around a woman who finally gets attention by baking cakes and bringing them to bars, which really seems magnetic to me, You know that old trope, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, Guess that still applies today. Shoot me I’m only the messenger.

The Fabulous Four – Delayed – West Coast Official – Don’t Shoot The Messenger


Well, this was the premiere I wanted to go to, I got invited to the Hocus Pocus 2 premiere but I forgot I lost my partial from when I fell face first on the concrete and lost my front teeth, I was not going to a premiere looking like a Hillbilly. Bette was in transit, Jill told her, and she texted back that I could wear her Winnie teeth, but I said NO! I did say please invite me to the Fabulous Four, I love Bette, but I’m smitten with Susan Sarandon. Anybody who can stand up against the mob with grace on principle, I admire, Plus she wrote me and gave me some tips which I hope to remember some day and use them. lol

But the deal on this project is funding for the movie ran out. More needs to be raised and it almost seems to be impossible. The 4 actressed are so strong it just seems ludicrous they can’t find any money. I mean Bette Midler, Susan Sarandon, Sissy Spacek, and Megan Mullaley. If this falls through what a loss

A Childhood History Plan & The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife – Personally I’d Write Them Off

I don’t know what is going on with Sharon Stone but in every friggin interview she brings up making The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife with Bett;e Midler, and it does sound interesting and quirky, but Bette and Jill throughout this whole time have never been contacted, Not much else to say there.

Family Jewels, now called Childhood History Plan, was to be the big reunion between our First Wives Club favorite ladies, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, ans Diane Keaton. But we have not heard a peep about it. Hollywood is in a downward spiral ever since it has gone woke, and I’m wondering if s1ome of these movies have fallen between the crack. Goldie Hawn in her latest interview did not seem pleased with the direction Hollywood was going, and many are moving out. I don’t think they’re giving up movies, but they just don’t want to live there. Ive heard really bad things about it, San Fran, Chicago, and New York, and Seattle too. If it’s true I understand. And although you cant always trust there has just been no movement forward for this movie. At least get rid of that title.

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2 thoughts on “Don’t Shoot The Messenger – Official News

  1. “I mean Bette Midler, Susan Sarandon, Sissy Spacek, and Megan Mullaley. If this falls through what a loss.

    Thank you for voicing my exact thoughts on this issue Don.

    P.S. I would never ever shoot the messenger, especially when you bring us up to date on all we don’t know about, but suspected all that you stated. Thank you!

    1. Yeah im pissed. I don’t think I ever brought Bette up in a bragging way because I knew that happens. Now I feel I have some interesting storied to tell. Some things are not all glamor and glitter. She’s very sensitive but I don’t feel it’s the right time.

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