Lisa Ann Walter Sent Note To Bette Midler

Lisa Ann Walter & Bette Midler

As you mentioned, Melissa’s mother is still alive, and we do not meet her in this episode. I assume you saw that Bette Midler had said she would love to play your mother. The door is still open!

That’s exactly right, and who knows when or if that’ll happen. I’m not in charge of those storylines. But a girl can hope! It was certainly a big compliment to have that come from the Divine Miss M. I sent her a note through Sheryl, because Sheryl just did a movie with her, telling her how incredible that was. As someone who grew up going to her shows—what was I, maybe 14 the first time I saw a whole Bette Midler show? Dolores de Lago, the Toast of Chicago, and Sophie Tucker. I repeated all the jokes on the way home. There’s nobody like her. She’s amazing. I’m rooting for it.

To read the full interview in Vanity Fair click here

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