Hey Guys,
Just wanted to send out a reminder. Please get your RSVP’s on this page by this Friday, the 15th, so we can get a reservation.
Thank you!
This Page = http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=198990207234
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to send out a reminder. Please get your RSVP’s on this page by this Friday, the 15th, so we can get a reservation.
Thank you!
This Page = http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=198990207234
Anybody going to Vegas in the next couple weeks wanna pick up some merch for me? I’d really love one of the BetteHead shirts plus the reusable shopping bag that she showed on Ellen. I will happily reimburse anyone for the stuff plus throw in a little for your troubles!
Any idea where the reservation will be made at? Are you counting in the “maybe” responses in your count for the reservation?
Kathy I have no idea. Becci S. is in charge. Leave her a message on FB. I will probably just have a couple of drinks….too nervous to eat….