Meet The Real Author of the “Bush Letter”

After several hours of tracking and researching, I stumbled upon the real author of the infamous “Bush letter.” The young lady that wrote it stumbled upon some of my posts for she was trying to stomp out the rumour herself.

She wrote me this morning to introduce herself…her name is Stephanie. She posted the letter on her live journal and has no clue who copied her letter and put Bette’s name on it….she seemed apologetic, but it’s not her fault, of course.
Anyway, let it be known, this is her work…and a fabulous letter it is…

This is what she had to say:


Thank you for helping to clear up the authorship of the letter to President Bush. I’m the one who wrote it, and I have no idea how it ended up with Bette’s name attached to it. I had no idea, until I got it back in my email a few weeks later. 🙂

If you want to point people in the right direction, you can link my LiveJournal – that’s where I posted it originally.

The only thing that stays the same is change

Thanks for your time.

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