Mister D: Darrell has put up a new song of the week that all BetteHeads should check out. I was lucky to have seen her do this when Divine Madness played on Broadway…so it brings back some special memories…when I saw her “The Rose” had just opened and there were some rowdy people in the balcony….they kept screaming out “Hey ya, motherfucker!” while Bette was trying to talk and do her act. Finally, she stopped the show and told them how rude they were and said something to the effect, that I doubt you would treat someone like Dustin Hoffman with such disrespect…after that they pretty much shut up…just a memory of mine!
Song Of The Week
September 27, 1979
Bette, along with fellow Harlettes and dancer Shabba-Doo, perform this luscious version of “Hurricane” at the Pine Knob Theatre in Detroit during “Bette! Divine Madness.”
To go to song: Bette on the Boards