We Want Info From Uk’ers On Graham Norton Show

Some of us keep reading that all the good bits were edited out, so now ya’ll have got some of us in other places curious as to what has been deleted. Was the show still good? Did it meet your expectations? From the clips I’ve seen it looks hilarious. Just give us a few tidbits. We have a whole week to sit and wait….bah!!!!

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7 thoughts on “We Want Info From Uk’ers On Graham Norton Show

  1. I didnt get to see it live but watched it last night and it had me in stitches at times.I felt a bit sorry for the other guests as they didnt really stand a chance of getting any attention as graham aimed most questions at Bette,bless him. She did mime to the song that was obviouse but was still amazing,as i know its not the norm for her to this so think it was just something about that particular show. Part of the show graham has people sitting on a chair and if he or guests get bored he pulls a leaver and the chair tips up,which he did to 1 poor lady and Bette felt sorry for her and stole the leaver from him. Then laura came on as Bette fan and even she got tipped up but it was a very funny momment. No new exclusive stuff was said really but was still most definatly worth watching, as will be the paul o’grady show to be aired christmas eve over here in the Yuk 🙂

  2. I love the fact that he mentioned that Bette’s daughter shared the same name as Sophie Tucker. I’ve always wanted someone to ask her why that was!

  3. Hey,

    Yea they cut out a lot of stuff. really funny moments too. It was a prat fall, and from where i was sitting she flashed the audience. She kept it as a running joke throughout the show, acting like she was going to do it again. She spoke to stephen fry about the enviroment and was asking him questions about what different things were. Really funny moment as graham suddenly shouted who cares and gave the 3 of them a fright. she spoke more about how she and martin came up with the name sophie, that is was a last option as he is european and they couldn’t figure out anything that went with Von Haselberg. They spoke about you Don and all the things you sent and a little more about the fans. They cut out all her swearing, which was hilarious. I’ve missed out so much more, but i was in a daze anyway lol Still in shock….. lol

    Hopefully someone else will fill in what i’ve missed.


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