Tid-Bettes: From The Floors To The Rafters

Three Philly reviews are up…check them out!: Click Here

Congrats to Ms. M for her numer one placement on the concert charts for her run at Radio City.

Also congrats to Ms. M for being on a number one album thanks to Mr. Rod Stewart!

Darrell has put up a new song at Bette on the Boards…a nice, subtle statement: Click Here and Scroll Down

I also started a “take back america” section in case some might want to read…be sure to check out Center for American Progress…complete with linked footnotes. Also, check out what the soldiers have to say at: Operation Truthunless you just want to keep a closed mind…

And last, but not least…here is a nice op-ed on John Kerry from Salon.com: Thank you, John Kerry If this turns out to be something that requires a subscription and you are interested in reading it…email me and I’ll send it to you.

He actually gave the incumbent president a good run considering this was a war time presidency. Factor in that the republicans ran one of the dirtiest, blatantly dishonest, and most despicable campaigns that I can recall…and I’ve been around….

To channel my anger into something constructive and to help get politics off this board, I will be working on a new blog for the future:

Talk To My Ass, My Head’s Had Enough

That will be the only Bette reference there (I hope)…so consider the upcoming blog a Bette-free zone!

Now back to all things Bette! Updates coming soon, I promise…

Love, Mister D

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