Tid-Bettes: October 18, 2007

Mister D:

* If you haven’t checked lately, Bette’s NYRP site has been updated and looks awesome. Make sure to check it out. Those of you who have various links to certain pages may want to check and see if some of the links still work. I have found several that I’ve had to change. Anyway, take a gander: Click Here
There are some bad links on the site but I’ve already informed them.

* Liz (not Ms. Smith) wrote in to tell all you BetteHeads this. Look Lizzie, your own little report!:

Hello Mr. D:

Liz here.

I wanted to write into let you know, that our Miss M is in the latest OK magazine. I was thumbing the pages of celebrity dirt during my pedicure and Bette is in a spread of ‘mimi-me’s’–celeb kids who look like their parents.

Bette and Sophie are number 1 !!! Even I was taken back by this pic. Bette looks absolutely stunning-and her daughter is looking identical to her Mama.

I think it’s page 39…not like I memorized it….Check it out.


* I just wanted to remind everybody that most of the information on the scrollbar above you can click on for more information.

* A reminder: For the news blog section, you can click on any word and find the definition if you need to. I just love this feature and I hope you find it useful.

Love, Mister D

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