Promises, Promises, Promises….To Keep Or Not, OR
Slow Weekend – Jessica Alba Saw Bette’s Show!

Mister D: Yes, this is me as wee young lad who didn’t know better. Yes, I tried to become The Divine for one night only, but of course no one can touch true divinity. BUT one can come close muthafuchas!!!!! Anyway, it came to my attention that PUS…I mean US magazine was going to print pictures of this, so I thought I’d beat them at their game (and Katrin and Crystal…whatever!). I mean it’s not fair…I’m a Ditzer not a Spitzer.

Ditzer’s were blondes back in my day (actually I just made that up…but take off the “er” and it’s what I was!) Not now of course….now I’m just an old blonde who’s in desperate need of attention…The pic you see above you is me before I lent myself over to wonderful drag queens who did my make up and my hair. They knew I could do a bang out impersonation of Bette without make up, so they knew I could do it to the limit with make-up.

I did have fun. I did 2 acts….the first was “Fire Down Below” – a comic monologue (all taped and lip synched – breathing timed to the millisecond….moves to the nanosecond…whatever that means)- and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

The second act was “Paradise” (punk version) – comic monlogue – and “Stay With Me Baby” – Divine Madness singing was used….moves combined from that and “The Rose” version for ultimate effect.

Unfortunately, I was so fabulous, Barry forgot to take many pics, so you get what you get.

All in all (this is all play for those who think I’m so vain…even tho Carly Simon did write that song about me) this was an awesome night. I made over 250.00 in tips…and no one touched me….just money on the floor. Just think…today I could buy a seat on the back row to one of her concerts…(I didn’t say that…he didn’t say that!!!!!!)

Click Here

And, that my friends, is my experience as a female impersonator. Hard job/career which means not for me. Work is not in my vocabulary….as if! 🙂

Love, Mister D

Share A little Divinity

9 thoughts on “Promises, Promises, Promises….To Keep Or Not, OR
Slow Weekend – Jessica Alba Saw Bette’s Show!

  1. Wow thanks for sharing the pics were (and are) truly divine! Would have loved to see the show.

  2. OY VAY! I would have never guessed Mr.D as a drag queen. Oh but arent you a fine lookin Miss M…would have killed to see that performance!! YOU LOOK GOOD! Can I ask why US Magazine was goin to print these pictures?

  3. It was just a joke Megan on my fake celebrity in my mind….:-) I don’t think any mag would print that piece of crap…..LOL

    Love, D

  4. Hey Bev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean CHEF BEV!!!!! Glad you dropped in…long time no hear! Hope all is going well. xxxxoooo D

  5. Honey, you could’ve had a career!!!
    You got the Bette poses and looks correct in every single frame. Genius.

    Katrin: you and me both…

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