Mister D: Thanks Hales on Wheels and Natalie

Lookalikey: Sarah Jessica Parker (left) and Bette Midler bear a distinct resemblance to each other
Sarah Jessica Parker is filming the sequel to Sex And The City The Movie. She’s attempting to recreate the 20-year-old ingenue who had newly arrived in New York at the start of the TV series, complete with Eighties bubble perm. Alas, at 44 she looks like the long-lost twin sister of Bette Midler.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1211325/AMANDA-PLATELL-Whos-really-blame-feral-thugs-Everyone-duty-care-neglected-them.html#ixzz0QFdjJdNH
I`ve always thought Sarah was Bette`s lost younger sister…LOL! I love Sarah, but, let`s face it, Bette looks a lot better if you compare the pictures. LOL!