BetteBack August 22, 1981: No Regrets For Aaron Russo

Winnipeg Free Press August 22, 1981 Movie producer Aaron Rosso doesn’t regret having parted with Bette Midler last year to…

BetteBack August 20, 1981: Hurricane Bette stirs up storm

Salina Journal August 20, 1981 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) – Herb Jaffe, producer of Bctte Midler’s new movie “Jinxed,” isn’t upset that…

BetteBack July 25, 1981: Bette Cutting Country Single?

Santa Ana Orange County Register July 25, 1981   Can you believe this one? Bette Midler is cutting a country…

Bette Tweets: 20 Feet From Stardom

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler Darlene Love and the extraordinary Lisa Fischer sang today at the lunch/launch for @20ftFromStardom and brought the…

BetteBack March 24, 1981: Jackpot

Salina Journal March 24, 1981 Q: Can you tell us what role Bette Midler will play in her next movie?…