You may also use their Credit Card page. Beginning in September they will be rolling out a new design. You may choose one of the already allotted donations or ”˜Other’ donations and make up your own. When you get to the end of the process a Comment Box should appear – just write “Happy Birthday Bette – BLB” to let them know to count your donation with the Bootleg Betty group. You can still send a card. However, don’t send anything or use credit card until Oct 1, 2009.
They are really super excited about this and are hoping for a good turnout, as well as I, so let’s show them what we can do. Mary’s working on a beautiful memory box to contain all the cards (hopefully).
She has asked if anybody has any old invitation photos that they can send her….if you do, her email address is:
To read all the rules: Click Here
Love, Mister D