KMB II Reviews Are Coming In


Photo: Thanks Eric W

I’ve got reviews coming in from fans and critics alike…and guess what? I can’t tell the dang difference…the reviews are that glowing! But ain’t that always the case…we’re talking Bette Midler. Thanks to the fans sending these in, too…

So if you if you’re sufferin’ from PPDS (post presidential debate syndrome)…then just relax and read a little…

I’ll try to get off my behind or on it and get some new songs and polls up. but first I’m going to see Michael Moore tonight at the Nashville Arena, or rather the GayLord Center (hmmm…there’s something about that name…) Of course, I’m only going for the free underwear and panties…I hope it’s a six pack!!!

Everybody have a great weekend….

Love, Mister D

To check out reviews: Kiss My Brass II Reviews

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