New Reviews Posted

Some new reviews are posted for Rochester, New York ( Sat and Sun), and Providence! READ…if you DARE!!!! 🙂 Love,…

Midler Rockin’ to Richmond:

Mister D: This may explain some things for those of little faith 🙂 …like Baltimore and on… Still sassy Bette…

In What Ways Has Bette Inspired You?

Photo: BaltoBoy Steve Weiner Hey Betteheads! To make sure I really go broke, I’m flying back to New York this…

DIVINE Charm Bracelets 4 A Divine Cause

Mister D: And Lisa’s a teacher, too, so give her some props!!!! I’ll have a page where you can see…

Server Problems For:,, and

Server Problems For:,, and Terri’s server had been having some problems earlier this month, which now has…

P-Town PHLIPS Over Midler No need for Midler to think about retirement Wednesday, October 20, 2004 BY RICK MASSIMO Journal Pop Music Writer…