A Special Message on Sudan from Bette Midler

Ms. Midler asked that I post this message for her in hopes that you would take the time to read about the crisis happening in Darfur. They need our help desperately. Please read and pass this message on to all of your friends and family.


Don Bradshaw
(Mister D)

A Special Message on Sudan from Bette Midler

Dear Friends,

Like many of you, I have recently been deeply affected by the terrible suffering of the people of Darfur, Sudan. Over the last two years, over 380,000 people have died, and 2 million driven from their homes by a brutal campaign of repression by the Sudanese government. Darfur’s women have been targeted for systematic rape and brutality. All this time the world has failed to take effective action, and we have stood by and watched, just as we did with the Rwandan genocide 10 years ago.

This terrible inhumanity must stop. It affects all of us, because we are all connected in one human family. But to stop it you and I need to rise up and be heard. We CAN stop the killing, if we can persuade our government to put enough pressure on the Sudanese government and its allies to make them stop. Please take just 3 minutes today, right now, to send a strong message to our leaders, sign a petition, or donate money to advocacy or humanitarian aid. You can do these things by clicking below and visiting DarfurGenocide.org:

  • www.darfurgenocide.org
  • Click here to send a message to President Bush.
  • Click here to donate to advocacy or humanitarian aid.
  • Click here to call for humanitarian intervention.
  • Thanks so much for your time. There is always hope, let’s keep it alive for our brothers and sisters in Darfur, and be their heroes.


    Bette Midler

    Share A little Divinity