Bette Designs “Plate”And Signs It For Parkinsons:
Bids Extended Till May 21 (Thank You Paul!)


This plate has been designed and signed by singer, actress, comedienne, Bette Midler. It is a one of a kind plate.

Mister D: Take a look at this awesome plate. I know some of you BetteHeads really have the dough…so pony up!

Here’s the link: Click Here

PLATES FOR PARKINSON’S ”“ More than 30 celebrities have designed and autographed plates to be auctioned on EBAY from April 20 to May 5 as a fundraiser for the Parkinson Society Maritime Region in Canada. Proceeds from the auction will benefit research, education and support services. The tulip is the Society’s symbol of hope and April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. More than 1.2 million people in Canada and the US live with Parkinson’s for which there is no known cause or cure. All plates are approximately 9 inches in diameter and have been designed using Staedtler permanent markers. Some celebrities have used other mediums in addition to the markers. Plates will be shipped by courier and insured. International shipping (outside Canada and US) will be higher.

Mister D: Bette Midler plate extended til May 21, 2007. Great artwork. Would look great where ever you point it. LOL I have no idea of the names of furniture like those nice shelves where you can place it.

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