I was going to give this story to Moronica, The Bootlicking Turkey, born from hatred, but raised by love from me, Mister D, but she has taken ill with “BIRD FLU” … so send your sweet thoughts to her since she gobbled up this info and then spit it up on me. But oh how I love her.
Anyway, it turns out that Oprah’s crew turned up at Sony yesterday and shot some behind the scenes footage. The show will be filmed on or about Jan 20 or 21 with Bette in Chicago. This is very reliable information…but you know how things can change. I don’t know where this leads as far as the contest goes, but I and Moronica will be doing our best to find out….
Love, Mister D and Moronica, the Bootlicking Turkey
Hey Mr. D… I’m confused… what is at Sony?
Here is a link to see up coming shows on Oprah….http://www2.oprah.com/tows/coming/tows_come_main.jhtml
It does not show anything about Bette…but, it does say there are alot of new shows coming up. Pehaps we’ll get lucky and something to answer all of our questions will come up soon =]
–Wendy Poo–
I don’t know if Oprah films live or not. I don’t watch the show. Most shows prerecord everything and then air it later. The dates I mentioned were when Bette was supposed to film her segment.
Brandon, I got Mister V to answer your question and it’s a doozy:
“sony bought what was the legendary mgm lot to house columbia, which they also bought. warners and columbia had the lot together as a result of ted turner buying it from metro in a distress sale. warners still had their own lot(s) elsewhere. sony started and later dismantled tristar (which was an amalgamation of three smaller companies they’d bought. (fyi, it was tristar tv that produced BETTE for cbs. and that more or less went out of business afterwards. got it?)
in a totally unrelated development, bette rented a couple of idle soundstages and office space at sony from nov 15-jan 15 to mount the showgirl. what with the strike, the lot is very quiet, although jeopardy and wheel of fortune shoot there. sony pictures entertainment (spe) is basically columbia, and they use that logo, but it’s sony all the way.
ultimately, that brand is bigger. of course, as we all know, sony bought all this stuff to keep product flowing into its hardware line of tvs, etc, because that’s where the REAL money is. matsusita did the same with universal some years ago, but it didn’t work out so well. ”
So there ya go Brandon. Hope you understand that. I had to read it twice, okay 3 times before I understood. So many thanks to Mister V.
Love, Mister D
PS: Now do your pics…on my other site…
So Bette is rehearsing there or what?
That’s what I got out of it. She’ll do that until they have the stage built at Caesar’s.
xxx I think that’s just a hug, Brandon! 🙂
A hug/your favorite movie rating.
oh, DO take care of that dear Moronica…that’s A LOT to spit up!! thanks for such “juicy” info, tho…ummm, pardon me..there I go again with the bodily fluid references!! =D huggles ~ g
this whole “oprah/ bette” thing confuses me sometimes.
Hey Mr D.
Do you mean FEB 20th or JAN 20th?
Jan 20th is a Sunday – Would Oprah be taping on a Sunday?
The person who told me said it was jan 20 or 21…they couldn’t remember the exact date…so it will be Monday I’m sure. I really don’t know how this is going down…we’ll just have to see. This is arguably the biggest thing that Bette has ever done, and I have to tell you, it’s like squeezing blood out of stone to get any info out of her people, but I’m doing the best I can.
Thanks for writing…
Love, Don
Wow! – next week! That’s surprising where I was just contacted on Friday. I have heard that they have quick turn around for this kind of stuff. Also interesting as Oprah dosen’t normally tape on Mondays or Fridays.
I was hoping for the whole Celine treatment like when they did the show from Vegas back in 2003. Anyway, best of luck to everyone, should be fun show – whatever it turns out to be.
I really don’t know how this is going to play out. Sometimes my sources are mistaken even if they are sitting right next to Miss M, so to speak…all I know is my source usually knows….but I have seen things change before.
I guess it’s like life…you just don’t ever know what’s going to hit you in the face….
I say just hold on tight….
Right on Mr. D!
Thanks for keeping us updated!!