The Cleveland Film Festival begins on Thursday with an opening night gala featuring Then She Found Me.
Based on the book by Elinor Lipman, the movie was co-written and directed by Helen Hunt, who is known mainly as an actress in TV (Mad About You) and movies (As Good As It Gets, for which she won the Oscar for best actress). This is her movie-directing debut; she previously directed episodes of Mad About You. She also stars in the movie, along with Bette Midler, Colin Firth and Matthew Broderick.
The festival ends on March 16, when the presentations include American Teen, a documentary about students at an Indiana high school in 2005-2006.
In between are close to 300 movies (about 130 features and 160 short films) and other events, as well as the packaging of films around themes like ”10 percent cinema” (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender films), ”local heroes,” ”midnight snacks” of late-night showings and ”it’s easy being green” environmental movies.
Home base is Cleveland’s Tower City Center.
Program guides are available at Dollar Bank branches, or you can find more information at
Ya know, all these things about the movie are nuttin’ but TORTURE to me!
If the movie is set for a April 25th release, then how come we don’t have a trailer or a poster yet? I don’t understand it! There are tons of movies that are being released in June and even JULY that already have trailers and posters out!
Aren’t they a little behind in the game!!!???
Okay….thank you for letting me vent. That is all.
Yes they are quite behind in my opinion, but it will be coming out as said. I think the poster art is a few posts down…, trailer, should be soon. It’ll get there, but I have no answers as to why????