Pink Talks Bette: 06-04-09

The Best of Bette (1981) album cover
Image via Wikipedia

From The Daily Telegraph
By Cameron Adams
June 05, 2009 12:00am

“This is the most physically, emotionally and vocally demanding show I’ve ever done in my life,” Pink says.

“It’s full on. I read a review that said you don’t have to be a Pink fan to enjoy it, that it’s just pure entertainment. I f”¦ing love that. That’s why Bette Midler, cheesy as it sounds, is my f”¦ing hero. You can go to her show not knowing a single song but The Rose and have a good time. She’s like a stand-up comedian/theatre/actress/singer girl. That’s what I want. I want all of that.”

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11 thoughts on “Pink Talks Bette: 06-04-09

  1. One of the girls that I work with is a HUGE fan of Pink. She knows that I’m a HUGE fan of Bette so I’m going to tell her that Bette is her idol and see what she says. 😀

  2. It was on the occasion of Bette Midlers 59th birthday and she was singing at the Anaheim Pond in California, and I had tickets to go! There I was nose bleeding straining to see Bette as I did not realize that she was only 2″ tall. As the piano played the beautiful entro to The Rose Bette sits on the edge of the stage to begin singing and spots Pink in the front row, calls her out and then invites her on stage to sing the most beautiful impromptu duet of a most beautiful song. Pink did Bette and 9,999.00 other peouple proud! You really had to be there.

  3. When Bette performed in DC for a 9/11 benefit (that would be 2001), I had heard an interview w/Pink after the show. It seems that was the 1st time Pink had met our Divine wonder and was completely blown away by the experience – much like many of us who have have the good fortune of meeting her.
    Pink is performing in the Philly area this summer and I would LOVE to see the show. She has got an edge to her that I can relate to 😉

  4. I am gong to leave this conversaton before it gets raunchy!
    Speaking of raunchy…I am going to Atlantic City tonite to see Kathy Griffin, should be a good show 🙂

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