The Gothamist
Celebs and Locals Rally Around the NYPL
By Jen Carlson in Arts and Events on June 3, 2009 5:12 PM
No one will shush you for trying to save the New York Public Library from drastic budget cuts. In fact, they’re asking for you to Shout It Out on their behalf. Stand up and support your local branch–and if you need some convincing, here’s Bette Midler, Jeff Daniels, Barbara Walters, Tim Gunn, Amy Tan, Malcolm Gladwell, Nora Ephron, Mike Nichols, Mario Batali and many more talking about why the library has been so important to them.
Find out how to help out at the NYPL’s website. We all need to make sure that Charles Dickens‘s cat’s paw stays preserved and well-watched over by amazing curators and librarians like Isaac Gewirtz and David Smith.