- Image via Wikipedia
* Eddie from Belgium: Bette in the uk charts – http://www.theofficialcharts.com/albums-chart/
* Kim: I don’t remember anyone ever posting a link for Daybreak. Another one we can’tg see in the US, but for those who can:http://www.itv.com/daybreak/entertainment/film/breakfastwithbette/
* In general, can anybody from the UK tell us what happened on Daybreak?

It was only about 5 min’s long a brief chat in her hotel room over breakfast about her new album. XX
thank you emma
Hi Emma, Did you watch THis morning? Was it good?
This morning was good yes again the same old chit chat about the album and such but she was really relaxed. She said her advice to anyone starting out in showbiz would be to pick another career as it has all changed now. I just love watching UK presenters interviewing her because they all seem so star struck all referring to her as Hollywood royalty. Sorry couldn’t be more heplful will watch it again tomorrow and fill in anything I missed. X
This should be the link to This Mornings Bette interview I hope you can watch it if so enjoy. XXX
Hi Emma,
Unfortunately this is another one from ITV which we can’t see. Thanks for describing it.
I have a couple of days off soon so will try and get it onto youtube then upload the link. Will do my best. X
Thank you!!! That would be so nice!
Have finally uploaded the interview from This Morning show to youtube this is the link please let me know if this has worked as I have a few more UK interviews I will upload for you if all goes well.
Enjoy XX