Hutchinson News Wed., Jan. 12, 1983
‘Tootsie‘ makes worst dressed list
H O L L Y W O OD ( U P I) – D u s t in “Tootsie” Hoffman entered the ranks of t he g r e at f a s h i o n o f f e n d ers
Tuesday, joining Princess Diana, Victoria Principal and Bette Midler on the 10 Worst Dressed Women list.
Hoffman, who portrayed Dorothy Michaels in the film “Tootsie,” became the first man to earn a place on Mr. Blackwell‘s a n n u al list. The actor shared his No. 10 spot on the list with Houston Mayor Ka thy Whi tmi r e, who the film character resembles.
B l a c k w e ll called the pair “look alikes… wearing Betsy Bloomingdale discards.”
Princess Diana topped the list with a typical Blackwell barb – “Shy Di has invaded Queen Victoria’s attic!”
‘ The complete list of worst dressers included Bonnie Franklin, star of television’s “One Day at a Time;” Miss Principal of “Dallas;” Miss Midler; Charlene Tilton of “Dallas;” Greek shipping heiress Christine Onassis; Princess Jasmine Ka h n; golf pro Jan Stephenson, and actress Cathy Lee Crosby of “That’s Incredible.”
Blackwell described Miss Principal as a “Dallas Valley girl,” and stung Miss Tilton as “a Victorian lampshade holding her breath.”
Miss Crosby’s wardrobe “looks as if she bought out a rummage sale, wore it all and … that’s incredible,” the designer said.
Miss F r a n k l in looks l i ke “not Charlie’s aunt, but Aunt Charlie,” w h i l e M i ss O n a s s is r e s e m b l e d “Daddy’s tanker,” Blackwell said.
Miss Midler was described as a “second-hand Rose after a hurricane,” Princess Kahn, daughter of Rita Hayworth and Ali Ka h n, represented “a preppy Gypsy,” while Miss Stephenson was “Mrs. Miniver in a tutu.”