Gettysburg Times
Bette Midler
JULY 15, 1987
LOS ANGELES (AP) – Entertainer Bette Midler will appeal the dismissal of her $10 million lawsuit against Ford Motor Co. for using a voice that sounded s i m i l ar to hers in a commercial, her lawyer says.
U S. District Judge Ferdinand F. Fernandez ruled in favor of Ford on Monday as well as Young and Rubicam. the ad agency t h at produced an ad for Lincoln-Mercury cars. The ad used a voice i m i t a t i ng a Midler associated song. “Do You Want To Dance.”
“Regardless of the mor a l i ty of the d e f e n d a n t ‘s a c t ions, the law offers no protection.” Fernandez said.
Gerald F. Edelstein, Miss Midler’s attorney, said, “They attempted to sell cars using Bette Midler, and we’re not
letting them get away with it.”
The 1986 lawsuit contended t h at Ford and the ad agency did not seek Midler’s permission to use the sound a like voice.