Indiana Gazette April 10, 1978
Stars Give Money To Back ERA
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) – Valerie Harper gave $5,000. Bette Midler, counting her pennies, donated $3,473 and put the pinch on Jack Nicholson, yelling, “Jack, you’re richer than all of us!”
The scene was a sunny, Sunday afternoon party for the proposed Equal Rights Amendment – and Hollywood’s in-crowd opened their pockets for a total of $50,000 for the cause.
Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Hal Linden and other actors joined female entertainers in sampling wine and cheese at
actress Joan Hackett‘s hilltop house. ..
They heard former Congresswoman Bella Abzug declare, -“We’re going to march women into the Constitution in-1979 because it’s 200 years too late …we’re not seeking to take things away from men. We want to share equally.”
Among those cheering and whistling were Susan Blakely, McKenzie Phillips, Ellen Burstyn and Jean Stapleton. Lily Tomlin sent a pledge of $2.000. “Star Wars” newcomer Carrie Fisher handed over a check for another $2,000.
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