Winnipeg Free Press
May 3, 1980
Waiting for the Parade, the highlysuccessful play by Calgary playwright John Murrell, is being adapted for a $750,000 feature-length film, scheduled for release in North America in early 1981. Bill McCaughey of Film Factory in Winnipeg says his company and Centre Street Productions in Calgary are now working with Murrell on ‘the adaptation. The play, which played to sell-out houses at Winnipeg’s Warehouse Theatre in January, is about five Calgary women left on the homefront during the Second World War.
The film is an independent production, put together by two co-producers operating out of Calgary. McCaughey is executive producer and director. Casting is not yet completed. But, says McCaughey, “We’re talking to a lot of different actresses. They include Kate Reid and Margot Kidder. And we got a call from one of our co-producers in Los Angeles who said Bette Midler read the script and wanted very much to be considered for the part of Marta.”