On Why She Would Discourage Sophie Going Into Show Business: “I think it’s a very hard life, especially if you’re not in the big, big, big, big, big time. I don’t want her to have to suffer those things ”˜Oh, you’re too tall, you’re too short, you’re too thin, you’re too fat. You don’t sing high enough, you don’t sing low enough.’ It wears away at your soul after a while.” (1993)
![Bette Midler: Bootleg Betty's photo.](https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-0/s526x395/10455569_936560543101012_190581326630033237_n.jpg?oh=4d08e73cfd95163afee6acaec9149ad5&oe=57084693)